Fan Event - Death Trooper Walk


"The dead speak!" Or, in this case, walk! The Star Wars version of a zombie walk, the Death Troopers will be making their way to Celebration Anaheim.

Taking place on Friday, May 27, this creepy march of the Death Troopers is timed to reach the Anaheim Convention Center just in time for the opening of the show floor at 10am.

"This is unbelievable to report but we are receiving Holonet transmissions that the dead are rising from their graves and battle fields across the galaxy…


Right now there is a small group of undead Imperial Stormtroopers (Death Troopers we’re calling them) heading directly for the Anaheim Convention center. Experts determine they will reach their destination in May 27th at 10am.


Anyone in the area is warned to approach slowly and ask if they can get a “Selfie” as this seems to confuse the “Death Troopers” and temporarily satisfy their need for human flesh."


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