Fourth Wave of Guests Include Billy Dee Williams, Rosario Dawson and ROTJ 40th Anniversary


Oh wow! This has been a real one-two punch of knockout announcements!

Yesterday Star Wars Celebration announced a wave of special guests from Return of the Jedi to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the end of the original trilogy. Minutes later they announced that Ahsoka herself, Rosario Dawson, would be meeting fans at the event! And today they added the legendary Billy Dee Williams to the lineup!

For the 40th anniversary of Return of the Jedi you can now meet Michael Carter (Bib Fortuna), Sean Crawford (Yak Face), Tim Dry (J'Quille), Femi Taylor (Oola), Mike Edmonds (Logray), Mike Quinn (Nien Nunb), Tim Rose (Admiral Ackbar), and Caroline Blakiston (Mon Mothma).

Sean Crawford's autograph will be handled a little differently to normal with a limited amount available to be claimed for free each day from February 8-12. These will then be collected in person at Celebration.

As always, I have updated the Celebration Guest 2023 page with prices, days appearing, and links to the Official Pix pre-order pages. And you can use these links to jump directly to the Official Pix pre-order and send in service.


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