First Merch Reveals for Star Wars Celebration Japan

You know we're getting closer when you get the first look at the official merch!

Last week gave us a preview of the official merchandise that fans will be able to pre-order alongside their tickets later this week.

This time around you'll be able to get the traditional logo shirt (and other merch) in English, Japanese, and a mix of both languages.

These items will be priced between ¥1560-6200 (specific pricing not announced).

All of these items have now been added to the Celebration Store page and will be available alongside tickets later this week.

Tickets will be going on sale on Thursday, May 2, at 19:00 EST (US) / Friday, May 3, at 08:00 JST (Japan).

There will be an exclusive presale for those who had Jedi Master VIP tickets to Celebration Europe 2023 taking place on Wednesday, May 1, at 12:00 EST (US) / 01:00 JST (Japan).

This year tickets, and any merchandise purchased with them, will not be shipped in advance. All tickets and merch pre-orders will be collected together on site at Celebration.

The official site also states that the maximum number of each ticket type per order is four with a maximum of twenty tickets (all types) per order. So if your group is larger than four you will need to place multiple orders or order a combination of weekend and single day tickets.


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