Preparation and Tips - The Convention Bag

Ok, it's just over 2 weeks until Celebration people! There's been so much news and so many updates recently I haven't had chance to do any guides recently, so with just 16 days to go it felt like a good time to take a closer look at what you'll want to be taking with you to the convention every day.

For my Celebration Packing List 
I tried to give an all inclusive list of everything that you might want to take with you, here I'm going to try and narrow it down to the real essentials.

The Essentials

If you really want to take only the bare minimum, you won't need a bag at all.

Celebration Badge & Lanyard
Your ticket to the galaxy. You'll be wearing this every moment you're at Celebration

Even if you don't plan on spending anything at Celebration, the chances are you will. Plus it never hurts to have ID on you (which you'll need if collecting badges at Will Call), or money for any emergencies, or just grabbing a bite to eat.

Your phone is THE essential piece of your Celebration kit. This has always been the case, but with the new panel reservation system, Lightspeed Lane store access, and more, your phone is now your gateway to the galaxy at Star Wars Celebration via the Celebration app. On top of all the new app features, for most people your phone will be your main camera (and video camera), and the best way to stay connected at Celebration. Whether it's connecting with new friends or arranging meetings with old ones, checking your schedule or keeping an eye on social media for any unexpected surprises, your phone is your key to staying in the Celebration loop. Plus you can check out the latest panels on the live stream whilst you're waiting in line.

And that's it. With your badge round your neck, your wallet and phone in your pocket, or maybe in a practical pouch on your cosplay, you have everything you need to enjoy a day of panels and taking in the show floor.

But let's be real. Most people are going to need to carry a little bit more with them. And here's all your Con essentials

The Convention Bag

Convention Bag
A good backpack or tote bag is your friend at any major convention. Which you choose is really down to personal preference. And you can switch it up. My tote bag from Celebration Europe is a better size for the free posters that are often given away, so if I'm expecting to get a poster (like at Friday's IX panel) I'll take that, on other days I might go with the backpack. As long as it's a good size, comfortable, and secure you'll be good. If you're not planning on pick up art/posters or buying lots of stuff in the store then you could always go with a smaller backpack as well.

Power Packs & Charge Cables
THE essential item of your convention bag. If you take one extra item after the essentials then this is it. Whether you take a couple of smaller chargers or a monster powerful enough to charge your phone, lightsaber, Switch and still have juice to spare is up to you, but you should definitely take at least one good charger with you. The last thing you want its your photo dying when you're taking pictures or before you get a chance to scan your lottery winning barcode. Take a charger and keep your phone topped up if it starts getting low. If you aren't recording or taking photos during a panel, use that time to recharge.

Drinks & Snacks
Convention centre food is expensive and Celebration is packed full of things to do. So that's already two great reasons to take your own snacks and eat on the go. Plus, it'll likely be a healthier option. You won't realise it at the time but you'll be clocking up a fair few miles as you check out all that Celebration has to offer so you're going to build up an appetite. Eating well (eating at all!) will keep your energy up and make your Celebration more enjoyable. Same for drinks. Staying hydrated is important at any major convention and Celebration is no exception, take a refillable water bottle and top up when you get the chance.

Hand Sanitizers/Hand Wipes
Con crud is real and stinks more than bantha poodoo. Take some sanitizer or hand wipes, it's a simple thing that helps keep the germs at bay and keeps you healthy during and after Celebration.

Itinerary & Map
If you haven't already printed these off yourself, you should find both included in a free guide given away at Celebration. It never hurts to have easy access to the itinerary and map. Yes, you can get them on your phone, but if reception is bad or your battery dies (you did pack that power pack, right?) you'll be grateful of having a paper copy in your bag. Plus, maybe it's just me, but there's something satisfying about highlighting the stuff I want to do and making notes all over the schedule.

Notepad & Pen/Sharpies
You probably won't use this much yourself, but you never know who you might run into on the show floor!

You should have room in your bag for a small can of deodorant. Sure, you put it on in the morning but there's going to be over 70,000 people on the show floor and you'll be walking all day. It never hurts to have the option to freshen up if you need it. This goes from a nice addition to you bag to an essential if you're doing an overnight line up (more on that soon!)

And then there the things that you might consider essential but only need on certain days.

Day Specific Items

Poster Tube/Poster Sleeves
If you're attending a panel where you think they might give out a free poster, or if you're planning on picking up some of the amazing prints from the Art Show (link!) then you'll want one of these. It's a horrible feeling to get back to you room and find your beautiful new art work has been messed up in your bag because it wasn't protected. The tubes are great for anything that can be rolled but I found the hard sleeve best for the Rogue One poster they gave out in London. If you can plan to pick up all your art on one or two days it will save you carrying the poster tube/sleeves on other days.

Photo Sleeves
The same goes for any photo ops or autographs you're getting. Make sure you protect them as they're often a once in a lifetime memory. And again, if you can get most of these on one day it saves you having to carry the sleeves all convention, though the smaller size of the photo sleeves makes this less essential.

Cosplay Repair Kit
I'm sure most cosplayers don't need reminding of this one. There's nothing worse than a costume malfunction in the middle of a Con. Whether it's a mini sewing kit, safety pins, or gorilla glue, a little repair kit can go a long way in a cosplay emergency.

So there it is, the essentials for your Celebration bag along with some day specific items that can really help make your Celebration easier.

I've not touched on the essentials for the overnight line up as that's still unconfirmed. But you can bet, as soon as ReedPOP confirm what the process will be I'll be sure to share any insight I can and what you'll need to make the most of sharing the night with your fellow fans.

May the Force be with you.


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