Jedi Master, 4-Day and Saturday Tickets (Re)Sell Out in Hours


Star Wars Celebration Anaheim went back on sale yesterday and Jedi Master, 4-Day (Adult), and Saturday (Adult) tickets are all officially sold out!

Jedi Master went first, with the sell out officially announced at 9:21am PT. That might seem like a long time for the VIP tickets to hang around but realistically they went in seconds, the extra 20 minutes just being the time it took for the sales to process and ReedPOP to announce the sell outs.

Both 4-Day and Saturday went in and out of stock after the first half hour, with the official Twitter account telling people to keep trying as tickets in the process of being purchased could be released back to stock if people chose not to complete their purchase. Ultimately both officially sold out just after 3pm PT.

The rapid sell out echoes 2019, when the same tickets also sold out the day they went on sale. Back in 2019 Friday badges were the next to go, selling out 3 days later. So don't sleep on it if you want a Friday ticket.

One thing I want to stress, if you didn't get the ticket(s) you wanted yesterday please don't resort to eBay. The Lyte ticket exchange is due to return for any sold out tickets. Whilst the exchange is no longer at face value, it does promise to undercut secondary prices by 20% and is the far safer choice given lottery entries are linked to the email the tickets were bought on.

After three years I can't wait to be back at Celebration and just loved seeing all the excitement on social media yesterday as people got their tickets. We're so close now!! See you all in Anaheim!


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